Needing a bit of Inspiration?

Read on, there are lot of fantastic exhibitions in 2015 that should inspire you or at least stir some grey cells! Fashion, art, textiles and clothing exhibitions in 2015 and beyond! (London, NYC and Paris) (if there is a fantastic fashion or art exhibition near you then do let me know!!) On NOW: LONDON: Marlene... Continue Reading →

Welcome Wellcome – Let Curiosity Get The Better of You

On Friday I went to the Wellcome Collection in London which I thoroughly enjoyed. This is a gallery/museum that is a little bit different to others. As a designer and being a curious person I enjoy going to exhibitions and learning new things. I find that inspiration can come from anywhere, you never know when... Continue Reading →

New York New York Exposed

I always try and see some exhibitions when I visit a place. Annoyingly on my recent trip to NYC I was there just a tiny bit early for some of the exhibitions that I wanted to see. But I did go to the FIT museum and see their current exhibits. Exposed: A History of Lingerie... Continue Reading →

Go Beyond Fashion – an education

Although I spent the majority of the time feeling sick, I recently enjoyed a trip to NYC. Whilst my design studio has been packed up and moved (more on that another time) I took the opportunity to get away. I often do blog entries about upcoming exhibitions and current galleries to visit. One of these... Continue Reading →

Cut Out and Keep – New Eyes for Art

I'm always surprised when I mention an artist like Matisse and someone has not heard of them. I'm probably so absorbed in my own little creative world that I don't realise that others are not so interested or have not been exposed to such delights. If you, like a friend of mine, have not heard... Continue Reading →

Time To Fill Your Fashion Cups

If you have an evening spare or more to the point - make sure you have an evening free. Not far from the London's city banking area is the Barbican. A huge grey sprawling range of buildings holds a great mix of gems inside. At the moment it holds a huge amazing exhibition of Jean... Continue Reading →

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